This really happened to me. I'd share a picture with you, but this is not an anonymous blog and I don't want you all to create any permanent eye damage to any of you viewers. Now that you're all intrigued, I'll explain how I got a chapped ass. No, it was not from riding a bike or a horse or . . . (get your minds out of the gutter) My friends and I went to this place called Slide Rock just north of Sedona.
At first I was hesistant to try it, but Kristen decided to do it too. Thanks a whole lot. Not only will I have pictures to remember this day, but I will also have a chapped ass. Thank goodness I don't have a desk job.

Unfortunately this powder does not help to prevent chapped asses, but boy does it work for that monkey butt funk. Thanks for testing it out first Mike!
Some of the other highlights of this weekend included going on a Hummer tour (so awesome--can't wait to try the "Jeep Eater" tour)

Seeing the only Mc Donald's in the world that does not have Golden Arches

hiking on Devil's Bridge

And discovering a beer that I can actually drink and enjoy. Thank goodness for Guiness!